AMC Saratoga 14 – San Jose California

AMC Saratoga 14 Movie Theater Located in San Jose, .

AMC Saratoga 14 is a movie theater located in San Jose, . It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the AMC consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the AMC Saratoga 14, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

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discount movie tickets

Those that live in an area with higher average movie ticket prices ($12+ per ticket) should probably focus on Discount Tickets, while those with lower prices might gain more value from focusing on Gift Cards. Everyone has the potential to benefit from Loyalty programs, but Movie Screenings might only apply to those in larger than average cities. Overall, there should be something for everybody.

Movie Theater Popcorn Hack

To get the butter in the middle of your popcorn, take a straw and put it all the way into your popcorn. Connect this to the butter machine, and push the button. The butter will go down the straw and will flow into the middle of the tub.

At some movie theaters, they offer small containers to put the butter in incase you need to refill later during the film. The straw method can be applied here as well. Just pour the butter from the container into the straw to get it into the middle of the tub.

Movie Tickets Through Streaming Services

Some streaming services, such as VUDU, offer movie ticket discounts with an incentive to save on the film when it’s released on digital or Blu-Ray.

At the time Transformers: The Last Knight was realeased, VUDU was offering a bundle deal to purchase all of the Transformers movies released thus far including the latest release.

Visit daily deal sites. Websites like Groupon and LivingSocial have offered deals on movie prices through ticketing websites, such as Fandango. Oftentimes, these offers will be for a certain percentage off or for a flat rate price for two tickets. It’s worth checking before heading out to the theater to see any good deals are currently available.

After the credits roll, don’t immediately rush out like everyone else. Some movies have bonus scenes during or right after the credits.

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