AMC Promenade 16 – Woodland Hills California

AMC Promenade 16 Movie Theater Located in Woodland Hills, .

AMC Promenade 16 is a movie theater located in Woodland Hills, . It is a modern movie theater that belongs to the AMC consolidated chain of theaters. These theaters usually provide amenities such as online ticketing, reserved seating, mobile ticketing, and play the latest movie releases. When ordering tickets for the AMC Promenade 16, it’s possible to earn theater rewards, and qualify for discounts and special rewards.

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movie theater

Those that live in an area with higher average movie ticket prices ($12+ per ticket) should probably focus on Discount Tickets, while those with lower prices might gain more value from focusing on Gift Cards. Everyone has the potential to benefit from Loyalty programs, but Movie Screenings might only apply to those in larger than average cities. Overall, there should be something for everybody.

your schedule is flexible in the first place, get the matinee showings to get a cheaper price. The discounts can range from 40-50% of the original price, which is perfect for those who are going with a big group.

Communities will often hold “movie in the park” type of event in the warmer times of the year like Spring and Summer. Plenty of people avoid getting involved with community events, but this is nothing to pass up! Free movies outside are one of the life’s simplest pleasures.

How to Save Money at the Movie Theater

Use Price Clubs

you have a Sam’s Club or Costco membership, you can save on movie tickets. Head to the consumer service desk and ask about discount tickets. They are ususally available for a few bucks off. You can then save even more by using a cash back credit card that offers additional rewards for shopping at these locations. Call around to different stores in your area and you might find a cheaper way to see the same movie that everyone else pays full price for.

Go in the Afternoon

Matinees cost way less than evening showings. In fact, you can usually purchase all of the tickets for less than $10, which makes it a worthy way to spend money on something fun for the kids – and something stress-free. Call and ask the theater about ticket discounts or check Fandango online. Matinees, senior discounts, and student discounts can help you shave a couple dollars off ticket prices, making a trip to the movies less of a financial burden.

Buy at the Box Office

Most booking sites charge $1 to $2 for you to use the service, making your tickets even more expensive. Even you want to snag tickets for a hot movie in advance, head right to the box office and don’t pay added fees.

A growing trend among theaters is serving food and having waiters serve you through out the movie. Rather than going out for a meal and then buying popcorn and drinks at the theater, purchase a burger and fries instead of a popcorn and soda. The savings won’t be a lot, but the experience can be a nice treat.

Sign up for the movie theater’s mailing list. Sometimes, it’s easier to go straight to the theater’s site, or the theater itself instead of shopping around.

the movie theater is part of a big chain, like AMC or Regal, then the chances are good that they’ll have a mailing list that will alert you to deals and promotions.

you sign up, you can seize on any good opportunities that come your way. It might be concessions savings, ticket savings, or other types of discounts.

Find free movie previews. Film promoters schedule free screenings in most cities a day or two before major films open. Many of the sneak previews are listed at, but you sometimes need a promotion code, which you can find in some local newspapers or radio station websites.

Movie Ticket Reward Points

A lot of people are members of some type of rewards program. It could be credit cards rewards points, or something more like MyCokeRewards. Regardless of what it is, you should look into the rewards catalog and see what you can get. Many rewards programs offer free movie tickets as a form of reward, and what’s even better is that you don’t need massive points built up like you do for Frequent Flyer Miles.

Buying Tickts Directly From the Movie Theater

A lot of people get their tickets from home instead of standing in line. You can cut those fees by getting your tickets straight from the box office. Sometimes, you can get discounts by avoiding the most convenient option.

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